To manage it, first measure it.


Assessments play a vital role in individual, team, and organizational development initiatives. Frank Granek uses leading instruments, such as the MBTI, FIRO-B, and TKI. He ensures assessments are applied professionally and pragmatically, with a clear understanding of both their benefits and pitfalls. His feedback is patient, artful, and empowering.

In addition to these tools, Frank has developed a range of proprietary 360 degree feedback assessments and other instruments. He also works with organizations to create and implement customized assessment tools. All these instruments extract vital quantitative and qualitative input in order to rigorously measure performance and create positive change.

Granek Assessment Tools

3-D Leadership Inventory
This 360 degree feedback assessment lifts the fog from leadership development by capturing behavioral patterns, key variations, and desired change. A leader is assessed along dimensions of Self Leadership, Interpersonal Leadership, and Organizational Leadership.

Positive Influence Inventory
Influence is the core of management. The Positive Influence Inventory clarifies the manager’s influence acumen and behavior across multiple contexts, from one-on-one rapport to inspirational communication to negotiation impact.

Leadership Brand Audit
The Leadership Brand Audit allows leaders to systematically assess their leadership brand across eight branches, ranging from intellectual capital to personal style. The second part of the inventory stimulates the respondent to distill the leader’s brand image through creative means such as metaphors or slogans.

Intrinsic Motivation Instrument
This inventory helps organizations tangibilize the vital but elusive zone of intrinsic motivation. It measures employee fulfillment and perceptions within four sources of intrinsic motivation: Impact, Meaning, Control, and Growth.

Customized Assessment Design and Implementation

Frank Granek can help your organization develop customized assessments that capture performance and potential in a scientific and timely manner, and serve as a pivot to robust organization improvement. These instruments may focus on individuals, teams, divisions or the whole organization. Frank can lead or support the assessment process at any of the following stages.

Stage 1: Clarification of Organizational Research Strategy. Ensuring the assessment concretely serves the organization’s mission, business strategy, and pressing goals.

Stage 2: Development of the Competency Model. Building or refining a system of competencies based on industry-leading conceptions, wisdom of key stakeholders, and organizational dynamics.

Stage 3: Composition of Assessment Questions. Creating questions for each competency that are natural and stimulating, and generate actionable forms of qualitative and quantitative input.

Stage 4: Field-Testing and Finalizing the Assessment. Piloting the instrument with a small, strategic group of respondents, with additional questions to elicit suggestions for fine-tuning the instrument.

Stage 5: Assessment Delivery. Delivery of the assessment to all respondents in an effective format, supported by communications that ensure engagement and timely completion.

Stage 6: Analysis of Results. Careful, goals-based evaluation, interpretation, and distillation of data and commentary, with exploration of uncertainties.

Stage 7: Preparation of Reports and Presentations. Selecting the correct communication vehicles for target groups, and crafting content that is clear, persuasive, and focused on action.

Stage 8: Creation of Development Plans. Translating outcomes, stakeholder input, and collaborative recommendations into pragmatic action plans.